5 Easy Tips to Extend the Life of Your Earphones
We purchase Earphones and headsets online or any other shop. But with the time the product loses its touch and the performance of the headsets or earphones started to decrease. To counter this problem, we made a list of 5 Easy Tips to Extend the Life of Your Earphones. Headsets online 1. Be Careful With Your Cable Perhaps the foremost important rule of headphone maintenance is: Mind the cable. Or rather, wind the cable. Looping the cable around a couple of fingers in order that it follows its natural coil (and then storing it this way) will help avoid internal cable damage. Wadding a cable up will likely create kinks and breakage points over time, albeit the surface of the cord appears undamaged. 2. Keep Them Clean If you own headphones , no matter whether they're supra-aural (on-ear) or circumaural (over-the-ear), earwax buildup should not be a problem. But if the earpads get sweaty (from exercise or simply regular use), you would possibly be ready to rinse them off. It's v...